Sunday, June 21, 2009

Times Are A Changin’-Happy Summer Solstice!

“Smile, breathe and go slowly.”- Zen Buddhist Monk

Ever notice how one simple change often leads to another? When I look back over the history of what I’ve blogged, and how it’s naturally progressed…I can clearly see how my thought process has lead me to this current path that I am following. While I am still (and will probably always be) a work in progress, I think its worth giving recognition to evolution, however slowly it may come.

When I first began this journey, I decided that one of the biggest and healthiest changes I made was to begin to put myself first, and love myself more. With the stresses of work and daily family life, I’ll admit, this was tough to do. It required a different mindset, than I was used to, because not only did I have to be deliberately more cognizant in my actions, I needed to focus on being fully present in my decision making as well. It’s true, I still need work in this area…but at least I am aware of it now and recognize when I put something or someone else’s needs before my own. I know it sounds a little selfish to the parents out there, but if you don’t take care of yourself first, how can you truly care for those who need you?

Loving myself more then made me sensitive to my bad habits. I was able recognize that I was an emotional eater, and that unearthing lead to discovering ways to conquer those bad habits of emotional eating. And now, even when I faulter, I don’t beat myself up about it. I realize that all things in moderation allows me the permission I need to say…”it’s ok…but I need to get back on track…ASAP!” It also led to my “Tune-Up” which resulted in healthier, cleaner eating. Fresh fruits, veggies, herbs, (organic when possible,) and no prepared meals full of chemicals and preservatives that are harmful to the body. Instantly, I started cooking more and eating out less. I am also taking time out to enjoy my food. No more eating while working at my desk. I find a nice quiet place…and enjoy!

Lastly, I am trying to find ways to increase my activity level. Yes, I could just use the gym membership that I purchased, or buy an exercise DVD. But the truth is, I really want to concentrate on creating lasting lifestyle changes that I will really enjoy. Maybe it’s tennis lessons, or cycling. Or perhaps it’s a martial art such as Tai Chi or Brazilian Jujitsu. Whatever it is, I want it to be a new experience and something to be excited about. The hope is that I will gain exposure to a mulitpicity of newness…and that this one simple change will lead to another.

I am no where close to my objectives and still have a lot of hard work ahead. I think this is probably the most difficult challenge I have ever faced, mainly because it is one trial, I have failed the most. Yet, if I assume that every lesson comes with an opportunity to be better, stronger, and more compassionate than I was previously, then here lies the foundation of a better life.

In the meantime, I will just…Smile, breathe, and go slowly!

Happy Summer Solstice!

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