Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fortune Cookies

"The best times of your life have not yet been lived..."

That was the fortune I received during a working lunch with my team this week, as we partook in the delight of Chinese cuisine.

"!?! … Sure would be a tough act to follow! If I died tomorrow...all is well with my soul!"

That was my initial reaction. But as is the usual process with my train of thought was broken, and I proceeded to whatever may have been more pressing at that particular time. Later, settling into the still of the early evening, with a glass of wine in tow, (No, I haven't broken that habit yet)...My thoughts trailed back to my kismet.

Lets face it...GOD'S been MORE that good to me!

I've loved and been loved. I've traveled. I've had some challenges...and learned a few lessons from the mistakes I've made, (…one would hope, anyway!) I've tasted the best of GOD'S green earth...from food to wine and other things in between. I even have the best girlfriends in the whole wide world! Who could ask for more than that???

No sooner than I could finish the thought...a little voice spoke to me and said;

"You have yet to conquer your weight loss challenges!"

And just like the good angel perched on one shoulder, with the fallen angel on the other...I heard another voice...

"True Dat...True Dat!"

We all struggle with something. Sometimes we wrestle with more than one thing. For me, the mêlée is more than food. It's a constant battle with "My Pleasure Principle." There's one lesson I haven't learned...and that's how to have anything...IN MODERATION! Here we go again..."BAD HABITS!"

I’ve battled with weight all my life. I was the cute, chubby, toddler who grew into a well developed, thick young teen, who finally settled into the voluptuous, femme fatale’, I am currently. I’ve never known anything different. This is the life I knew, and had come to accept. So how would life change, IF I could finally conquer my weight loss challenges…and then maintain them?!?! For me, conquering weight loss means being able to take advantage of things that most people take for granted, like:

…. Shopping in specialty stores such as “BeBe or Victoria’s Secret”, as opposed to “Lane Bryant and The Avenue.”

… Looking fabulous in my wet suit as I am water skiing or scuba diving.

… Not having to worry about weight limits when skydiving or even playing with a Wii.

Or, how about achieving the desires I have only fantasized about... such as:

… Hiking the Inca trails of my beloved Machu Picchu, which can take a minimum of four days and three nights to ascend.

…Having the sexy and fabulous arms, shoulders and back that I have always wanted.

…Skydiving or hang gliding without having to worry about what the required weight limit is?

...Wearing a bathing suit (not even a bikini) at the pool or beach, without being self-concious about what others think.

I could go on with these issues that are due primarily because weight is a hindrance…but I won’t. The point is…most don’t give these matters a second thought… and yet I must, because I have yet to conquer,”My Pleasure Principle!” I have thoughts yet to be generated… simply because I haven’t created the opportunity to conceive them!

I guess the cookie was right…the best times of my life, have not yet been lived. Now… I am anxious to discover the kind of existence I have yet to construct!

Oh...the possibilities!!! And they are lined up, just waiting to create the best life I don't even know is waiting for me!!!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Teaching this old dog…NEW TRICKS

Consistently inconsistent.

That’s how I describe myself. Routine??? What’s that???

I realized long ago, if I was going to have any success with my diet and exercise efforts…I needed a routine. Yet, as sure as the sun sets in the west, something inevitable happens to derail my newly developed customs. Keeping in mind, it takes 21 days to form a habit; I don’t think I ever make it that far.

Yet writing last week’s blog about the “Pleasure Principle”…something intensely superficial, hit me like a ton of bricks…bad habits! The truth is, I can be consistent…and have been for many years! There were many examples of things I do…without even thinking about it… like second nature.

For example:

... When you’ve had a stressful day at work, and each time you choose to embrace the evening with a glass of the noble nectar of the Gods, i.e.; Cabernet, Riesling, Malbec, Pinot…pick your poison! Bad Habit? Probably!

... How about that fabulous dinner with desert on a Friday / Saturday night and sometimes both? (And when the staff at your favorite restaurant calls you by name…I think we can call that a bad habit too!)

... When you can’t have sushi without sake…yes, you guessed it…bad habit!

I think you get the picture. But I have to ask…is it really possible to unlearn bad behavior? Can this old dog learn new tricks? I think that’s a tough one to answer, but motivation can certainly be a key factor.

In an effort to motivate ourselves, two of my “Texas Girlfriends” and I decided to embark on a weight loss challenge of our own. Fashioned after “The Biggest Loser”, who ever has the highest percentage of weight loss by March 15th, wins the challenge. The prize? The losers travel to the winner’s city for a day at the spa. The winner gets to enjoy a one hour massage, courtesy of the losers. Talk about motivation! Not only is there the chance of forming good habits for the 28 days we embrace the challenge, but there’s a fabulous bonus at the end of the tunnel…win or lose! Now this is one habit, I’d love to maintain!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Pleasure Principle

My college roommate, whom I haven’t seen in months, came to San Antonio for a weekend getaway. Weeks prior to her visit, we planned a long list of things to see and do, during her stay. And if you’ve every read anything about “must do’s” in San Antonio…a definite must has to include a visit to the Riverwalk.

Actually considered a park, this 2 & ½ mile river destination, is the center attraction for some of the most vibrant hotels, shops, restaurants, nightclubs and bars, San Antonio has to offer. We were certainly interested in the restaurants and bars…and it was decided that we were going to find out for ourselves…who had the best margarita on the Riverwalk!

10 hours and tons of margaritas later, I believe that we decided that Iron Cactus was our winner!

But then, Sunday morning arrived, and I felt awful! Not because of the obvious hang over I should have had, but didn’t. (I made sure we drank only top shelf!) Just 7 days ago, I made a commitment to LOVE MYSELF. A considerable part of that commitment was a pledge to make better food choices. Absolutely, at no time during my Saturday, did I honor that vow. Can you say… G U I L T???

I find myself in this predicament quite often…a place where pleasure overrides discipline and sensibility. I have come to realize that I am a “pleasure-seeker,”… and although I don’t think that this is a bad thing, I do need to find that balance where pleasure isn’t all consuming. Where is that place where my motivation automatically kicks in and overrides the pleasure principle? Truth be told, I’m not quite sure.

In my quest to bring my sexy back…I am going to have to discover that place. Looks like I’ve got a whole lot of work to do!

For the record... Anyone interested in viewing pictures from the weekend are welcomed to view at:


Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy LOVE Month

Today is a very special day for me.

Today is February 1st, 2009. Outside of the obvious...Super Bowl XLIII Sunday, Black History Month, and every one's favorite Valentine's Day...(Yes, I am being sarcastic!)... today is the day that I begin to put MYSELF first! Today is the beginning of my very own, self-proclaimed..."MONTH OF LOVE." It is also the day that I begin my first ever blog…in an effort to remind myself that I come first!

One could easily assume that a single woman with no children would not have difficulty putting herself first. But more times than not, that is not the case. Family and friends do not hesitate to ask more favors or assistance because the assumption is made that… “there is less responsibility.” Bosses won't hesitate to expect more from the single employee than their married counterparts because… ”they don't have the family pressures that most of us do.” And of course, my self-imposed favorite... “the deadline is approaching fast...come in early and work late until it's done.”

It's my own fault. I set that expectation. I am the one that allows it to happen. I am the one who lets people take advantage. I am the one who refuses to say NO. During this symbolic "MONTH OF LOVE", I say YES TO ME! I have made the choice to love and value myself and I will set the expectation for others to follow suit.

So what does this really mean for me and how do I plan to put my words to ACTION?
I am making a commitment to put myself first. One of the areas of my life that has been severely neglected is my diet and exercise commitment. When I choose to put work first, I am choosing not to plan my meals, or get up early to work out. Therefore, I eat whatever is quick and available and not what is healthy or nutritious. After a 12-14 hour day I am almost always too tired to do anything else but sleep. By putting myself first I am now choosing to set time aside first thing in the morning for my work out. This means saying it's okay to take time out to plan my meals for the week, which allows me permission for something else that I love to in my kitchen!

Coincidentally, the birthstone for the month is February is Amethyst. Many believe this purple stone to be a stabilizing force for those struggling to overcome addictive behaviors. It is also known to be a calming, tranquil influence that symbolizes peace and wards off negativity.

In my effort to bring my sexy back… I am making small but tangible changes. I bought a gym membership, I am leaving my office at 6 pm (and I’ll try not to work through lunch) and I’m gonna go shopping for a piece of Amethyst to help me with my struggle to break these bad habits I’ve created. I don’t know if this will work…but at least I’ve got a constant reminder in front of me…symbolizing what it is I wish to achieve.

Happy Love Month to YOU!