Saturday, February 18, 2012

DANGER: Curves Ahead!

   "I've never wanted to look like a model.  I represent the majority of women and I am very proud of that!"

That's what singer Adele had to say about her full figure.  Even before her six Grammy wins earlier this week, she was slammed by fashion designer, Karl Lagerfeld, who was quoted as saying..."She is a little too fat, but she has a beautiful face and a divine voice." WTF???

I love me some Jill Scott too!  "I'll never be a stick figure..." acknowledges a noticeably thinner Scott, even after a 63 lbs weight loss. I love the fact that she simply recognized a need to simply be healthy. After the birth of her son she recognizes that... ‘There’s a world of discovery in his eyes, and I want to be around to enjoy it,’ she said. Kudos to you, Ms. Scott.

I too have struggled with my weight for most of my life.  Despite my most disciplined efforts, I too recognize that I will never be model thin.  My reality is that I am a five-foot, six inch large framed woman.  I've never had a weight goal, so I'm not so sure I can measure this thing in numbers, but if I gotta put a number on it, then maybe thin for me means a perfect size 12, if I am lucky.  That elusive but perfect size 12 still escapes me even as a healthy adult.  I know I am healthy because my doctor never fails to remind me that I am the "healthiest over-weight person he knows!" I'm never quite sure if he means that as a compliment, but I suppose for this purpose that question may be making  a mountain out of a molehill.

The point is, in this regard I certainly do count my blessings.  The family history dictates that I should have diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, and perhaps even cancer.  But my blood work and test results show no signs of any cholesterol, thyroid issues, nor any signs of the aforementioned family traits.  And while it may be fustrating to have raised a beautiful but petite younger sister who is a perfect "ZERO,"despite having given to birth of three of the most beautiful children, makes me a bit envious to say the least.   I guess my mother ran out of fat genes by the time she got to my sister... but that's ok!But I also recognize, if GOD wanted us all to be a size 8, he would have created us all that way.

So, despite the Karl Lagerfelds of the world, I will continue my plythe to be healthy.  Continuing to strive for that perfect size 12 that has so far escaped me, will probably never be too far from my realm of targets.  Not because Karl might think I'm a little too fat... but because for me it is the lore of the one thing I have yet to conquer. This one has been on my list for a very long time, and I hate to see anything get the best of me.   I have always wanted to be the BEST me I could be, and somethings never change.  But either way I win - either way I go, there are dangerous curves ahead!

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